The Secret to Business Continuity and Incident Response: A Public and Private Sector Perspective on Risk Mitigation
Join former special agent, DJ Rossini, as he shares his top strategies for preparing, responding, and recovering from critical incidents. You’ll gain unique and actionable insights from DJ’s diverse background as a lawyer, security officer, chief compliance officer, and 20+ years in the FBI during this 30-minute session.
Participants will:
– Discover real-world strategies for preapring, responding, and recovering from critical incidents
– Understand the benefits of proactive incident response.
– Dissect past incidents to uncover lessons learned and best practices
Participants will earn 0.5 CPE Credits.
To register, visit:
To be awarded the full credit amount, your badge must be scanned when entering the room and you must participate in the interactive element (poll, discussion, or activity). Early departure from the session will result in a forfeiture of CPE credits. LogicGate’s Refunds, Cancellations, and Complaints Policy is available online at
Additional Information:
- Field of Study: Specialized Knowledge (Governance, Risk, and Compliance)
- Delivery Method: Group Live
- Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of governance, risk management, and compliance
- Program Level: Intermediate
- Advanced Preparation: None
Who Should Attend: Compliance Officers, Risk Officers, Information Security Officers, Legal and Regulatory Affairs Professionals, Data Protection Officers, and anyone responsible for managing GRC processes within their organization.
LogicGate is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website: